Since I had an exam today, and therefore haven’t been able to get my weekly fix for my political conversation addiction with Nathan on our WWW nights (best nights ever), I made the executive decision to take some time out of my day to talk shit on the internet about Fred Thompson.
Fred Thompson just joined the growing list of republicans—such as Ass-Fuck-Say-Anything-To-Piss-Off-The-General-Public Limbaugh--who have anti-endorsed President Obama and his policies to the point of wishing failure. Good ol’ Fred being the pansy he is linguistically tiptoed along the success/failure fence, and said earlier on CNN, “I want his policies that I believe take us in the wrong direction to fail.”
Two things to mention about what came out of his labia flap:
1. “I believe” has nothing to with the reality of the situation. If the policies Obama is implementing are “in the wrong direction” and not beneficial for the country, they will fail or succeed accordingly; Thompson’s belief is irrelevant.
2. In saying “I believe” he saves his ass either way. If he wanted to not pussy-foot around things he should have said “these policies will fail” and took some arguable stance instead of jumping on the GOP bandwagon.
This motherfucker even went on to say “If he takes us down the road of tripling our national debt in ten years and making us vulnerable to higher interest rates and higher inflation, and things of that nature, I want all those policies not to succeed.”
In his own defense, he was a Republican candidate in the primaries, which means he was probably prepping by raising money, conducting polls, and such, so he may be unaware of this fuck-all of a mess the last President handed to the American public and bailed the hell out back to Texas…you know the problem that the new administration is trying to fix. He may have even missed the fact that the overspending, liberal, tax crazy stimulus package passed by the Obama administration was less than the “necessary” Bush package.
(In case you’re wondering what “higher interest rates, tripling of the national debt, and things of that nature” look like, it’s something a little like this:)

It's real shitty for these guys to burn our fucking house down with our money and then complain about how the solution is handled. The state of our economy has been a long time coming, and these republican governors and senators who had control of the house and senate for years did nothing but exacerbate the situation with loosening regulations, allow rising health care costs, and act like nothing was wrong, should get off the God damned T.V. and get to the hill and try to help fix their fucking problem they've passed on to the tax payers.
sorry...I'm done.