Wednesday, January 21, 2009

radical dihydroxylation, bra!

Finally got my scholarship money in the mail (I love the smell of free green in my pocket), which means I'm buying good beer tonight!! Hell I may even order some ingredients to make to make some. It's been entirely too long since the last time I brewed. I honestly think the most satisfying moment of my life was the first time I got drunk off a homebrew and thought to myself "God damn...Jarrod, you did that." Given, it was actually the yeast eating the sugar, but I put them in a little happy environment and that encouraged and allowed them to get their fermentation on (I digress.).

The intention of this post was suppose to be about how stoked/not stoked I am about being back in the states. I really do miss Germany...not just because it's "Europe and everyone wants to go there"..I just really enjoyed the people and culture. I liked that the waitresses I encountered had free health care and we're paid a decent wadge on top of that and didn't rely entirely on tips. Or maybe it was more that I rided myself of all responsibility while I was there.

This semester has already proven itself to be a mother fucker.
At least my new jobs rule...I'm getting paid right now to type this and listen to my wu-tang pandora radio channel right now.

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