Saturday, February 28, 2009

dearest liver..

sorry about this weekend.
but it was necessary.


i'm really in to this cd right now.

Bruce Peninsula - A Mountain Is A Mouth

it's like if nick cave or the singer for murder by death sang for anathallo

Thursday, February 26, 2009

lemme hold a dollah

so i had a picture/poem thing published in some magazine. we had to do it for my creative writing class and i guess some hippy liked it enough to put ink to it.
anyways, it's about this picture.

if not to forget that from which we came

this is the sound:
three miles of cool coastal sand
dispersed by frothy waves, wandering,
grains like a god's tug-of war.

my feet bare, washed in battle, sank in to
tracing paths--
held tight--
and pulled again, taken
away under the young spring light.

there's a seagull's careless gibber, carried
against salt-soaked wind
floating like paper airplanes
above, their sirens ringing:

like a child's ear pressed against seashells.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Can someone please tell me..


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fuck you very much Mr. Sharpton

Why the fuck is Al Sharpton gathering people to protest this cartoon?

First of all, President Obama didn't even write the Bill. He can't. It's kinda against the constitution. All he can do is influence and sign it.

Secondly, a chimpanzee is an APE, NOT a monkey.....and even if it was, Obama still didn't write the bill!

If the next four years consist of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson intentionally using race as a vehicle to piss people off so he can make a buck on every not-even-remotely-funny-cartoon he can twist in to a racial issue because we have a half black president who was raised by a white suburban family, I'm going to go fucking IRATE.

I voted for Obama, and I support him. But this is just rediculous.

When did American turn in to a bunch of fucking pussies?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

wha chu talk bout cuba divin?

Last night at work I was told by two teenage black girls that I "look like Justin Timberlake with longer hair." The only reason I even mentioned that the girls were black is because this isn't the first time I've been told that I look like a white celebrity that I in no way resemble by a black family--not too long ago I had another black family tell me I look like a white Usher. The best part is when the girls left they blew me kisses and said they'd be back to see me.

In all honestly, it really brightened up my day. This weekend kinda blew and that was about the best part....therefore I blog about it. Jesus Christ, is this really what my life has come to?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Found Glory..

Could you please release an album that sucks and doesn't make anticipate summers carefree times?'re beginning depress me with your flawless writing technique...seriously.

Jesus Christ.

In other news, I'm not pregnant.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So in 10 days it will be 365 days since my last cigarette....I guess you could say it's been 355 days then...
At any rate, it's weird thinking of myself as an ex-smoker. I smoked for about 8 years, and now, when I see pictures of myself smoking--or hell even just holding a cigarette--I get an awkward feeling. It seems like I never did. I know my health would beg to differ, but my mind doesn't.

I really don't know why I'm writing this

In other news I would smack a baby for burrito right now.